As we know a lot of contractible illness are caught thru the nose or mouth, and pass directly to our airway to our lungs. Our first defence is our Wei Qi, this is the Qi energy which circulates just beneath our skin and regulates sweating and immunity.
It is dependent on lung function, therefore we strengthen lung function which can be compromised by a number of factors, such as asthma, seasonal allergies, heart conditions and lack of exercise. As we view all aspects of care holistically we don’t just look to strengthen the lungs in isolation. The lungs are linked to many other systems within the body such as the heart, kidneys and digestive system so it is important to strengthen these too so that the immune system can function at its best.
There are many simple things you can to do improve your immune system and boost your Wei qi;
- Regular acupuncture treatments – research has shown acupuncture can increase white blood cells and regulate the immune system
- A cool shower once a day
- Exercise outside
- A good sleep routine
- A healthy diet
- Try to manage stress levels, and balance working hours with time off
- Avoid unnecessary antibiotics, antihistamines and sinus medication
- If you are ill, make sure you rest and give yourself time to recover
- Increase your Vitamin D & C
Photo by Olia Nayda on Unsplash